Disney's Godiva Chocolate Martini

n 2010 my husband took me to Disney World for the first time. While there I had this drink with dinner at Coral Reef. I've had at least one every trip since then. We were even luck enough to find a recipe and I've had them now at home as well.
Disney's Godiva Chocolate Martini #DRINK #COCKTAIL


  • frangelica
  • cracked ice
  • chocolate syrup
  • godiva chocolate liqueur
  • stole vanilla vodka
  • dark creme de cacao
Disney's Godiva Chocolate Martini #DRINK #COCKTAIL

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  1. Swirl chocolate syrup around martini glass to decorate.
  2. In a cocktail shaker pour all ingredients along with cracked ice. Place caps on shaker and shake to mix and chill.
  3. .......................
  4. .......................
You can find complete recipes click here!

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